Gratuit Junior Java Developer Plopeni

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IT / Telecomunicatii Published date: Aprilie 19, 2024
  • Ţara: Romania
  • Judeţ: Prahova
  • Oraş: Plopeni

Junior Java Developer

⭕ Responsabilitati
Candidatul ideal

Software Engineer (Java)
We are looking for a new colleague to join our Engineering team.

Descrierea jobului

- Working with companis products, focusing on supporting company customers
- Technical support - following-up, troubleshooting and solving issues
- Handling implementation of the application for new customers and making adjustments to the code
- Developing/optimizing sections of compani’s products
- Create customer specific reports using Oracle SQL
- Collaborating with R&D, QA and other teams when needed
- Maintaining, debugging and configuring the products
- University studies, graduated, ongoing (terminal year)
- Basic Knowledge of Java API, OOP, algorithms, Data Base

The following are considered advantages:
- Knowledge of one Java IDE
- PL/SQL programming skill, Oracle and Spring Framework
- Linux knowledge


Plopeni, Prahova


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