Gratuit French Lessons With A Private Tutor Mavrodin

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Educatie / Training Published date: Mai 4, 2024
  • Ţara: Romania
  • Judeţ: Teleorman
  • Oraş: Mavrodin

French Lessons With A Private Tutor

⭕ My French lessons enable you to immerse yourself in French. You can improve your pronunciation, work on your grammar, or prepare the DELF exam.

You may also have a business French course and get ready for an important presentation or meeting, conduct professional interviews, handle negotiations and improve your speaking with French colleagues and clients.

Learn from an dedicated tutor, have your questions answered and see a great improvement in your speaking skills.

Why choosing me?
- A qualified native French teacher;
- Up-to-date teaching methodology;
- Advice on the French culture and cross-cultural communication;
- Preparation to the DELF and DALF examinations;
- Flexibility in times and locations;
- A course made for your kids!


Mavrodin, Teleorman


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