Gratuit Consultant Vanzari Showroom Rachitova

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Agenti Vanzare / Consultanti Published date: Mai 2, 2024
  • Ţara: Romania
  • Judeţ: Hunedoara
  • Oraş: Rachitova

Consultant Vanzari Showroom

⭕ Candidatul ideal

Iți dorești un job nou ?
Te așteptam la SomProduct !

Căutam un coleg/colegă nouă pentru poziția de consilier vânzări showroom cu disponibilitatea de a ocupa pozitia de director magazin pana la finalul anului 2017.

Descrierea jobului

- cunoasterea produselor si promovarea acestora in conformitate cu standardele companiei
- consilierea clientilor cu profesionalism si amabilitate , intuind nevoile acestora;
- lucrul cu casa de marcat, POS
- emiterea facturilor
- gestionarea show-room-ului


- persoana de incredere, responsabila si sociabila
- cunostinte de operare PC
- limba engleza nivel conversational
- experienta in vanzari constituie un avantaj


- training de specialitate
- posibilitatea de dezvoltare profesionala, intr-un colectiv cu experienta in relatii clienti
- mediu de lucru elegant
- pachet salarial motivant

Descrierea companiei

SomProduct is an online furniture and mattresses retailer based in Baia Mare, Romania that sells high-quality products at best prices. The SomProduct website has over 4000 products, welcome discount’s and periodical sales.

With an experience of 18 years in the mattresses area, in 2008, the co-founders decided to extend their business on the Internet and this is how SomProduct appeared in media space.

The companys head office is based in Baia Mare, Romania. SomProduct has an online store and showrooms in Bucucharest, Brasov, Cluj-Napoca and Baia Mare where the customers can see their favourite products and test them.

Internal strategy
An important customer service attitude in the SomProduct vision is to “listen to the client”. The focus on the client and the product requires that the group is constantly re-inventing itself to avoid falling into obsolescence. For this purpose, the CEO has facilitate communication as much as possible, maintaining a direct line of communication between the showroom managers and other points of contact such as the manufacturing team, sales person responsible and product developers. The company relies on a small, young and tied team, that are passionate about furniture and home design and belived in the quality of their products. The SomProduct’s communication team tries to stay in touch with their customers through all the information channels like email newsletters, social networks and catalogs. The livechat from the online store and the possibility of rating and comment the products or the services show a modern approach to online trade and transparency.

Număr de telefon ✆ 0765077084

Rachitova, Hunedoara


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